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Arbitration is the preferred means of resolving commercial disputes, especially international ones. For many years, our Dispute Resolution Practice Area Group has received praise for its practice in the field of arbitration. We are listed in Volume 1 of the JUVE Handbook and also in Volume 2 of The Legal 500 and in Chambers & Partners.

A leader with industry experience 

CMS Germany is a leader in the area of arbitration. Our lawyers specialising in arbitration have been involved in national and international arbitration proceedings for many years. We know the market and the conventions. We are well-versed in the arbitration rules of all established arbitral institutions (including ICC, DIS, LCIA, SCC, VIAC, CIETAC, SIAC, HKIAC, DIAC, JCAA, KCAB, SCAI, UNCITRAL and ICSID). 

We offer a particularly high level of sector expertise in the following areas: international trade, the automotive industry, the supplier industry, infrastructure/transport/logistics, industrial plant engineering, the pharmaceutical industry, telecommunications and renewable energy. 

Depending on the requirements of the specific case, we assemble a team of experienced arbitration lawyers and consult our specialised colleagues from other areas of law where appropriate. On the basis of detailed fact-finding and careful legal analysis, we develop a strategy tailored to the particular case. We always conduct proceedings in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner and in close consultation with the client.

As party representatives in arbitration proceedings as well as arbitrators, our lawyers earn the respect of all involved through their deep understanding of the commercial aspects, their strategic analytical skills and also their assured professionalism.

Internationally effective and highly integrated

CMS has one of the largest arbitration teams in the world and is listed among the top firms in the relevant rankings. In international arbitration proceedings, we work together in tightly coordinated teams. This allows us to offer our clients seamless advice and smooth management of proceedings across borders and time zones; we successfully act for our clients in a wide range of different jurisdictions. In addition to almost all European jurisdictions, we have a particular focus on Asia (especially China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia), Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. 

Key benefits

  • International network of local contacts
  • Excellent market reputation
  • Project management tailored to your needs 
  • Use of legal tech 
  • Interdisciplinary and cross-border teams
  • Competitive pricing

"In addition to its traditionally strong disciplines, such as arbitration, product liability and commercial and corporate disputes, the versatile practice is also tapping into the growing market of mass litigation."

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2023 (GCLF)

Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year

JUVE Awards 2022

"A notable law firm in the dispute resolution world, CMS offers comprehensive services with a particular focus on representing clients from various industries in arbitration. The firm is respected for its prowess in handling commercial and investment arbitration cases, with members of the team regularly being appointed as presiding arbitrators. Furthermore, CMS offers expertise in mass litigation, liability claims and procurement disputes. The team is also regularly involved in politically sensitive and strategically salient projects, acting as counsel in multi-jurisdictional disputes."

Chambers Europe, 2022

"One client describes the team at CMS as 'brilliant professionals with an outstanding knowledge of the law, and they know people across all sectors as well'."

Chambers Europe, 2022

"'Involved in top-quality work', CMS 'has a very broad-based team and is knowledgeable in a variety of areas'. The arbitration group is highly rated."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022

„Ausgezeichnet als Kanzlei des Jahres für den Bereich Schiedsverfahren/Streitbeilegung/Mediation“

Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2021 – Handelsblatt in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers

„Die Disputes-Praxis gehört zu den vielseitigsten im Markt.“

JUVE Handbuch, 2020/2021

„CMS' breites Expertisespektrum umfasst Streitigkeiten mit Bezug zu Zivil-, Handels-, Energie- und Transportrecht, jedoch nimmt sich das Team ebenfalls Post-M&A-, Finanz-, Bau- und Anlagenbau-Auseinandersetzungen an. Hier ist man auch regelmäßig auf internationaler Ebene aktiv, zuletzt verstärkt in Lateinamerika und im Nahen Osten.“

The Legal 500, 2021

"Sizeable team with notable international capabilities, which allows the firm to represent large technology and manufacturing companies in arbitration. Highly visible in post-M&A and investment arbitration cases, with members of the team regularly being appointed as presiding arbitrator."

Chambers Europe, 2021

"One of the largest practices in Germany, CMS combines deep-rooted local knowledge with considerable international expertise. […] Members of the team regularly coordinate multi-jurisdictional projects on behalf of an impressive roster of German-headquartered entities, as well as overseas players."

Chambers Global, 2021
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