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CMS Expert Guide to Digital Litigation

The rapid digitalisation of the legal landscape has transformed litigation across the globe

The CMS Expert Guide to Digital Litigation offers a focused comparative analysis of more than 27 jurisdictions worldwide, examining the implementation of digital tools and mechanisms, prevailing legal regulations, ongoing projects as well as the general impact on access to justice and potential risks for businesses.

The guide highlights several key aspects of digitalisation, including among others, online claim filing, virtual hearings, case management systems and the use of these mechanisms in practice. Moreover, the guide explores the relevant legal frameworks (either in place or planned) governing the use of digital tools in litigation. In addition, the guide provides an overview of current projects that promote digital tools in the justice system, showcasing innovations that continue to reshape the legal landscape. Specifically, this includes the use of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) as well as blockchain technology in some jurisdictions.

By understanding the legal bases and implications of these changes, businesses and legal professionals can better prepare for this evolving legal environment. The digital transformation of litigation proceedings can substantially help parties involved in cross-border disputes by streamlining processes and reducing complexity and costs. In this context, the guide may also provide useful information when selecting or determining the place of jurisdiction, such as when drafting a jurisdiction clause.

Overall, we hope you will find the CMS Expert Guide to Digital Litigation to be a helpful and valuable resource. Feel free to contact the CMS experts in your jurisdictions to discuss in more detail the fast-paced, ever-evolving world of digital litigation.